New Year, New Resolutions

My resolutions for 2011:

1) Cut down on excessive online shopping! Online shopping is seriously taking up a huge chunk of my time and expenses and I hope I can control this obsessive habit! I should get rid of some of my stuff too.

2) Lose weight (erm, that’s what I seeked to do last year too, though I haven’t been too successful) by exercising once a week and eating healthier (hopefully — think PC’s oatmeal diet)

3) Put in effort at work (not that I haven’t, just that I need to remind myself to stay focused and try to be interested in my work, no matter how much I may not truly like it)

4) Update my blog at least 3 times a week (just to ensure I document the things I want to remember and to keep my mind sane, as blogging can be an avenue to vent your frustrations too)

5) Spend quality time with the family & Lawrence (we do have lots of time together, however, quantity versus quality is different, hopefully can plan more meaningful trips for the kids)

6) Be more patient with the kids, especially when they get out of hand and make me angry.

That’s all I can think of for now….guess making resolutions should be an on-going process, not just at the beginning of a fresh new year. I shall aim to review and update my resolutions throughout the year.

About misskimberella

I love shopping, mineral makeup, natural stuff and eating!
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