Thomas the Train is 65!!

A really back-dated post as I was waiting to get the photos from Lawrence’s camera. I usually leave it to him to take the pics, as he is using a DSLR while I am only using a digital camera – the effects can turn out really different.

The Hari Raya Public Holiday (17th November 10) happened to be Thomas’s 65th birthday!! Yes!!! Thomas the Train is 65 years old! Can’t believe this toy is so much older than me!!

Jordan, being an ardent Thomas’s fan, got invited to the mini birthday celebration at Parkway Parade, Isetan, as he was lucky enough to have bought a Thomas toy prior to their invitation.

When we arrived at Isetan, the organisers were still settling the kids into their seats. Jordan was given a seat, with a Ribena drink, a pack of crayons and a drawing of Thomas the train (which they would colour later on). Jordan was his usual restless self and kept prancing about and making silly faces and doing silly things, such as these:

The party started with a story telling session where the two organisers told a story of Thomas the Train and Bertie the Bus. I seriously cannot remember the contents of the story, apart from the fact that they were good friends. See the children listening attentively — all except Jordan, whose mind was running wild thinking of the Thomas the train Toys surrounding him. Haha.

Jordan was really only interested in the two toys the story-tellers were holding. See? He was peeking and trying to see the toys (though seriously he has loads of them at home – at least 20 or so of those little magnetic trains!)

After the story ended, it was “Colouring” time. The children were instructed to colour the picture on their table and hand it up later on as all entries would be entered for a competition. In my head, I was thinking it was unfair, since the older kids would probably colour the picture much better and win the prize more easily!

As you can see, Jordan wasn’t very interested in colouring. His eyes constantly wandered off to the toys lining the party area — he was already contemplating which toys he wanted to buy!!!

After the “colouring” session, it was time to wish Thomas a happy 65th birthday! Each child was given a small little thomas the train cake with a candle on it! The candles were subsequently lit and the children actually sang a song to wish Thomas happy birthday before blowing the candle out! Jordan in fact requested for his candle to be relit so that he could blow it out a second time!

I was quite amused by the fact that the children were singing a birthday song to a toy train, which was merely a character. However, I guess for the little Thomas lovers, it was indeed a heartfelt joy to be able to celebrate their beloved train’s birthday!=) The party ended with each of the kids receiving a goody pack containing a little train, a Thomas Lugagge tag and a Thomas balloon. Overall, I would say it was a good session and Jordan enjoyed himself, although it would have been better if the party was held in an area, which wasn’t surrounded by Thomas the Train toys! It certainly didn’t do alot of good to Jordan, cuz he was constantly distracted by the toys and kept wanting to buy a toy after the party! Too bad for him, we didn’t buy any toys for him, as we thought he had enough Thomas Toys at home and we were running out of space to store his toys!!

About misskimberella

I love shopping, mineral makeup, natural stuff and eating!
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